“Three houses”

“Invitation to a new day”

“She knows what she needs. Ask her”

“Only he who stood nearby witnessed what happened”

“First reading”

“What did they come for? What did they bring?”

“Discussion of hanged jewelers”

“A saint with a speech impediment tries to deliver the truth”

“During the storm do not lose the grain”

“Teachers’ garden during a solar eclipse”

“Senseless dancing on the aqueduct in november”

“She doesn’t go gray. She is a memory”

“Under each stone in life even in ash and lava”

“17 attempts. Zara was scared”

“Where do we look when we close our eyes?”

“First plowman”

“Soul sellers surrounded by lava”

“Have to collect his soul piece by piece”

“Memory and those who lose it”

“Artists go to Mexico. Lavender sky”

“The battle with the void”

“Return of the borrowed”

“Someone carries knowlege and someone carries his death”

“They learned everything from this book”

“We’ll swim, wait and live”

“Second plowman. Everyone left their cells to find out the truth”

“Look what they brought to you”

“Through silence an answer comes to you”

“Shoulders pressed together”

“Construction of the amethyst temple”

“Third plowman” The past is the future. The future is the past.

“9 days and 3 new suns”

“Game of revolution riot of fanatics”

“Reading a strange blank page”

“Night guide”

“The fourth plowman. The longest evening”

“Where did you all come from?”

“So slow”

“Poem about the Milky Way”